Personal Responsibility - Todd Falcone

Monday, November 21, 2011

Let the Prosperity Connection work for You

Greetings to you. May this day be one of the best ever for you.

My name is Ken Aspinwall. You can Google my name or "fortunate1950" and get a glimpse of my internet presence. Or you can see my list of blogs on this blog and get an idea about how I think.

The purpose of this blog post is to reveal what thoughts went into the planning and design of the Prosperity Connection and the Money Power System. The PC is the name of our co-op or T.E.A.M. and the Money Power System is the wealth building concept that I developed.

What is my background? As it pertains to marketing, I've been in and out of it since 1980 and since 2009, I did a two year research project to find an online business that fit me. I found a few things that looked good, but they were missing important elements. Eventually, I took all the good elements that I had learned about, created a generous compensation plan and formed a membership group with benefits.

The main idea was to keep the cost and risk down to a minimum. Here's what we do:

[1] Become a member of the Prosperity Connection.
[2] We will help you find two members or get you to your first $400.00 received.
[3] We will grant you a tax free $100.00 thank you gift for every member that you refer.
[3.1] Your first member passes up to your inviter, as a qualifying gift to them.
[3.2] Commencing with your second referred member, you receive a tax free $100.00 gift for each referral.
[3.3] Each of these members referred by you will refer one up to you.
[3.4] You may refer as many as you want to infinity. No limits!
[4] We will train you and assist you, until you receive back $400.00 tax free in our program.
[4.1] At this point, you are zero out of pocket. Major achievement!
[4.2] At this point, you should be fully trained in the Money Power System.
[5] Ours is an infinity compensation plan with no limits.
[6] Ours is a great list building program and you get paid to build your list.
[7] Ours is a great training program where you earn while you learn.
[8] While the lifetime PC dues consists of a mere $525.00, we offer three budget plans for your best fit.
[9] You may have one hour a week in coaching time.
[10] We designed the Prosperity Connection to help you acquire essential skills, start your book of business and make you profitable in business.

Of course, we could go on forever with details about potential. However, we feel that you must grasp the above concept before you will be able to reap benefits. So, take the above as a sketch or an outline and start coloring in, as you acquire knowledge.


Q: What is the product?
A: You are purchasing a membership with benefits.

Q: What are the benefits?
A: OK. Training with one hour of coaching every week. $200.00 grocery voucher. An easy plan to follow. We assist you in making your first $400.00 from the MPS plan. Lifetime membership in the PC. Receive $100.00 gifts for referring members. Be trained to earn from high ticket products and services. A business that is structured to fund itself.

Q: How do I establish meaningful contact with the program owner?
A: Click here and submit your survey.

After submitting your survey, call 706-523-6980 for Ken Aspinwall to alert him about it. This will assure you that we did not miss it.

We hope that this will be a great day for you. Be wise. Be fortunate.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Use the Prosperity Connection to Turn $105.00 into a Solid Profit Making Machine


One thing that we do . . . will empower you for sure. My name is Ken and we are currently helping Morgan Freeman, Scott Dickey and Kimberly Sander to build their business empire. We can do it for you, as we are doing it for many other clients.

Your business will never exceed $10.00 in weekly overhead costs [based on the $105.00 initiation fee and the $35.00 monthly subscription for the Prosperity Connection.] For this retainer, our staff builds your business into profit. When we attain to our objectives in serving you, the actual cost of doing business will actually be scaled down to $0.50 a day. Know anybody with such a low overhead?

For only $35.00 a month, you are the silent partner. You don't have to spend the tens of thousands of dollars to set up and run an enterprise. No experience needed. Just own it. We manage it.

Most enterprises cost $300.00 a month just to maintain and up to $25,000 in software to track everything. Try renting a 1,000 square feet in the mall. Your subscription cost to be a PC member is a mere a mere $35.00 a month. It's perfect!

We do the work to build your business into profit. The link here goes to our associate, Kay Scarborough  We are currently building for her in this, our cornerstone money program. My contact information is on the page, if you would like to inquire.

Make a small investment in your future today. And beat Wall Street, too.

Ken Aspinwall, Founder
The Prosperity Connection
Skype ken5250

NOTE: Jump start! Click here to apply for membership.